Curriculum Overview

(revised Oct 2014)
Program Outline

Overview. The schedule assumes the availability of 2 ½ hours for each of six sessions (weekly, biweekly, or monthly) plus 2 ½ hours between sessions to fulfill class assignments, and at least one month between sessions 4 and 5 to carry out a fieldwork project.

  • Sessions 1 through 4 provide the knowledge needed for each participant to develop an individualized field project.
  • A period of time between sessions 4 and 5 will be used to carry out the fieldwork project and write a report.
  • Sessions 5 and 6 will be used to hear and discuss the participant reports, reflect on changes in perceptions of positive aging, and make plans for future get-togethers. At a graduation ceremony planned by the participants, certificates will be given to all of the participants who meet the criteria for program completion.
Preparation Knowledge Building Sessions
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Applying Knowledge
Session 5 Session 6
(click on white boxes to view information) Evaluations

Preparation for Participation

  1. Participant Directory. Participants will be asked to post photos and brief bios of themselves with contact information that will be in the secured Participants Folder. The Coordinator with provide this format to the Participants.
  2. Participant Enrollment Form. Participants will be asked to fill out the enrollment form and send it to the Coordinator as confidential, for amalgamation in the evaluation report for the group.

Preparation for Session 1 – Getting Started; Seeing the Potential for Positive Aging

1. Activities

  • Seeing Yourself as an Advocacy Leader
    • Part 1, Program Description. Participants will be asked to read the program introduction with definitions of “Leadership”, “Advocacy”, and “Positive Aging”; skills for advocacy leadership, and the experiential learning value of the fieldwork project.
    • Part 2, ALPA Profile. Participants will be asked to post responses to questions stimulating personal reflection about individual experience and the relevance of advocacy leadership.
  • Older Adult Interview

Participants will be asked to interview an older adult from one of the three living generations in the second half of life and to submit 300 words or less about the interview. They will ask 13 prescribed questions relevant to:

    • The changes each adult has experienced in recent years;
    • Each adult’s attitude about: a) being active and healthy, b) feeling in control of life, and c) feeling satisfaction about quality of life.

Common themes mentioned by the participants will be posted.

  • Viewing of Video Presentations
    • Jan Hively (15 minutes) “Changing Expectations for Aging.” The task is to shift from emphasis on dependency, shaped by the traditional ageist culture, to expectations for productive aging based on 21st century reality. ALPA shows both the possibilities and the challenges for positive aging. Introduction of Peter Whitehouse (see Peter’s video under Optional Reading and Viewing section below).
    • Gene Cohen, MD, PhD. “The Aging Brain“ YouTube. 3-minute video.

2. Assigned Reading

  • Peter Whitehouse, MD, PhD. “Taking Brain Health to a Deeper and Broader Level” From Neurological Institute Journal. Spring 2010. An integrative framework for healthy aging. Health coaching.
  • Patricia Cohen. “A Sharper Mind, Middle Age and Beyond”. The New York Times, January 19, 2012. The longitudinal Midus study. Power of learning.

3. Optional Reading and Viewing


  • Peter Whitehouse (30 minutes). “Taking Brain Health to a Deeper and Broader Level.” Defining health not merely as the absence of disease but as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being – an integrative framework


  • Gene Cohen (2005). The Mature Mind: The Positive Power of the Aging Brain. NY: Basic Books.
  • Stuart Greenbaum, Ed. (2010). Longevity Rules: How to age well into the future. Carmichael,CA: Eskaton.
  • Margaret Morgenroth Gullette (2011). Agewise: Fighting the New Ageism in America. London, UChicago Press. Read the Introduction, “The New Regimes of Decline.”
  • Andrew Weil (2005). Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Physical and Spiritual Well-being. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf.


  • Terry Hokenstad and Amy Restorick Roberts (2011). “Active Aging in a Changing Society,” in MSASS Action, Winter 2011 issue.
  • Peter Whitehouse, Daniel George (2004). “StoryBanking,” in The Lancet.

Session 1 – Getting Started; Seeing the Potential for Positive Aging

2 ½ hours for discussion led by Coordinator(s). Coordinator may choose to show Assigned Video(s) for group viewing, or to assign the task of facilitating discussion to participants. Material should be modified to fit specific goals of the Host Partner.

Introduction (45 minutes)


  • Brief introduction of the Life Planning Network and the ALPA professional development program
  • Review Program Objectives and Program Curriculum (using ALPA Wheel, on the Home Page of website, and “Seeing yourself as an Advocacy Leader”)
  • Program logistics:
    • Meeting dates and process for meeting conflicts
    • Organization of materials online and/or in manual
    • Expectations for homework

All Participants

  • Name, response to: a) “Share one thing that sparked your interest in this program”, and b) (from ALPA Profile) “What’s one thing that you might do to improve the life of a client?” ((Note that participant discussion will return in Session 4 to consideration of the ALPA Profile.)

Seeing the Potential for Positive Aging (1 hour)

Coordinator guiding discussion

  • Brief review of key points in Hively’s video, “Changing Expectations for Aging”
  • Brief review of key points in Whitehouse article, “Taking Brain Health to a Deeper and Broader Level”
  • Go-round of responses, “Share one thing about the potential for Positive Aging that caught your attention in either the video or the article”
  • Brief review of common themes from Older Adult Interviews
  • Go-round of responses, “The Older Adult Interview was designed to enhance your understanding of changes that adults experience as they age and the impacts of those changes. Can you mention one thing that you heard in your interview that connects with this conversation about Positive Aging?”
    (Boomers, 49 – 66, Silent Generation, 68 – 84, Greatest Generation, 85+)

Shared Vision of Positive Aging (30 minutes)

  • “Shared Vision of Positive Aging.” In three or four small groups, using large sheets of paper and colored pens/crayons, participants will be asked to draw a vision for Positive Aging. What does Positive Aging look like, feel like, taste like, smell like, sound like? After the session, the drawings can be connected and photographed for the website.

Preparation for Session 2 (15 minutes)

  • Review learning outcomes and homework assignments for the second session
  • Participants will complete the Session 1 Evaluation Feedback Form

Preparation for Session 2 The Power of Purpose – Meaningful Work that Builds on Strengths

1. Activities

  • Values in Action (VIA) Strengths Survey Assignment. Advocacy Leadership builds on strengths. Participants will be asked to take the VIA Signature Strengths inventory at no cost by registering at: They will then list their top five Signature Strengths on the linked Assignment sheet and compare the VIA results with their skills they’d identified in the Session 1 Assignment, Seeing Yourself as an Advocacy Leader, Part 2. They will be asked to submit the completed form prior to Session 2 and bring a copy to the session.
  • Lifework Pattern of Strengths and Skills. Participants will be asked to: “List all of the work (paid or unpaid jobs) that you have done. Consider what skills you have learned and applied in each job. What was the best job you’ve had? What made it so? What was the worst job you’ve had? What made it so? Which of the jobs made use of your signature strengths?” Participants will bring their notes from this exercise to Session 2.
  • Vital Involvement Practice (VIP). Participants will be asked to fill out self-assessment worksheets designed by Helen Kivnick to reveal occupational and personal strengths for VIP planning.
  • Viewing of Video Presentation

    • Helen Kivnick (1/2 hour). “Living Vital Involvement”. Vital Involvement Practice transfers attention to strengthening the clients’ sense of purpose and direction. The result is a personal progress plan that takes into account personal strengths/weaknesses and environmental supports/ obstacles. (Video presentation)

2. Assigned Reading

  • Sharon Roe Anderson. (2013) “Asset Based Approach”. Summary of approaches for practitioners from John McKnight at ABCD Institute, Northwestern University.
  • Helen Kivnick, PhD. “Featured Faculty Profile: Helen Kivnick Promoting Viital Involvement in Aging.” From Spring 2010 Newsletter, Center on Aging, University of Minnesota. Vital Involvement Practice (VIP) identifies strengths and leverages them.
  • Jan Hively. 2014. About Vital Involvement Practice (VIP). Brief paper providing an overview of VIP and an example of its use.
  • Connie Goldman, MA. 2009. “Betty”, from Who am I…Now that I’m not who I was? Minneapolis MN/Nodin Press. Story of resiliency.
  • Lisa Esposito. Dec 29, 2015. “Ageism, Attitude Can Impact Your Physical Health and Brain Health.” U.S. News and World Report/New America Media

3. Optional Reading

  • Marc Freedman (2007). Encore: Finding Work that Matters in the Second Half of Life. New York: Perseus Books.
  • Richard Leider. (2004). The Power of Purpose. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler
  • Stephanie Marohn, Ed. 2009. Audacious Aging. Santa Rosa CA/Elite Books. Start with “Aging: Belief or Biology”, by Bruce H. Lipton, PhD. Power of purpose in alignment with subconscious programming.
  • Martin Seligman (2011). Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being. New York: Free Press.

Session 2 – The Power of Purpose – Meaningful Work that Builds on Strengths

Meaningful Work – Purposeful Lives (1 1/2 hours)

Group viewing

  • Jan Hively (1/2 hour). “Meaningful Work: Purposeful Lives Create Good for Everyone” Changing the definition of work is part of changing expectations for aging. Healthy aging is productive aging. (Video presentation – Use speakers to improve the volume)

Coordinator guiding discussion

  • Meaningful work (1/2 hour) Participants will be asked to: “Compare your paid and unpaid work experiences against the criteria for ‘meaningful work.’ Is there a match between the jobs where you’ve found meaningful work and those that used your signature strengths? Were the unpaid work experiences more or less meaningful than the paid work?” What lifework patterns arise from this discussion?
  • Personal Strengths and Sense of Purpose. (1/2 hour) Participants will be asked: “Is there a personal sense of purpose reflected in your lifework history?” “Do you find a sense of purpose in your current work with older adults?” “If so, can you express that sense of purpose in words?” “If not, do you have a sense of direction about where you might find a sense of purpose in the future?” “After reading the “Asset Based Approach” document, which approach to development fits with your sense of purpose?”

Vital Involvement Practice (1/2 hour)

Coordinator guiding discussion

  • Vital Involvement Practice (ViP). Participants should think of an incident in their work when they served as a promoter of vital involvement practice with an older adult. What did they do (listened, supported, addressed a need, etc.)? How did they make it clear that a vital involvement practice had occurred (expressed appreciation, made a connection, improved quality of life, etc.)? What does VIP show about the reciprocal relationship between seniors and their environment, as well as about their individual strengths and interests, in relation to the good of the group? How would VIP be useful for the older adults interviewed prior to Session 1?

Shared Vision of Positive Aging (15 minutes)

Coordinator guiding discussion

  • Review of themes in the drawings from Session 1. Participants will be asked, “What themes are relevant to today’s discussion about the environment, strengths, purpose, and meaningful work supportive of Positive Aging?” “ Consider how you might “help others to help themselves” to boost Positive Aging.”

Preparation for Session 3 (15 minutes)


  • Review learning outcomes and homework assignments for the third session
  • Participants will complete the Evaluation Feedback Form

Preparation for Session 3 – Economic Insecurity – Financing Longevity in an Economic Drought

1. Activities

  • ALPA Financial Planning Guides. Try out assorted planning guides for older adults and post your comments as reviews on the website. Bring these materials with you to Session #3.
    • Managing Your Money in Retirement: Planning Guide for the Newly Retired. Center for Financial Literacy, Boston College MA 02467.
    • Savvy Saving Seniors: Becoming Resource-FULL with the Help of Benefits and Peace of Mind Savings. National Council on Aging (NCOA), Washington, DC 20036 (2011). This program presents a Training Guide to help professionals educate older adults about good money skills in a Financial Education Workshop. The Training Guide, Presentation Slides, Handbook for Participants, Webinar, and Evaluation Forms can be found at this site.
    • Benefits Checkup. National Council on Aging (NCOA), Washington, DC 20036. This is an interactive site connecting the results from a comprehensive individualized economic check-up to available resources.
  • Viewing of Video Presentation
    • “The Economic Security Initiative: A Person-Centered Approach for Older Adults” (1/2 hour) Ramsey Laine Alwin. An integrative framework for the participants to understand the current scope of economic insecurity, and to see that there are paths and tools for clients to be proactive in maximizing their self-determination and self-sufficiency.

2. Assigned Reading

  • Aging in America. Institute on Aging, San Francisco. (2013).
  • Doing Without: Economic Insecurity and Older Americans. Wider Opportunities for Women. (2012)
  • Economic Security Initiative: Outcomes and Successes from Year One of a Promising Pilot. Ramsey Alwin. (2011). National Council on Aging work to help seniors find work & benefits, improve health, live independently, and are involved in community.
  • Too Many Impoverished Elderly Overlook Government Help”. Gail Buckner. (August 11, 2014). FOXBusiness.

3. Optional Reading

  • SMART GOAL – TEMPLATE – (Adapted from Stanford University SMART Goal Template, 2012.) Coordinators may decide to present the SMART process for setting goals and developing action plans.
  • 99 to 1: How Wealth Inequality is Wrecking the World and What We Can Do about It. Chuck Collins (2012). San Francisco: Barrett Koehler.
  • The New Frugality: How to Consume Less, Save More, and Live Better.Chris Farrell (2010). New York: Bloomsbury Press.
  • Sharing Revolution: The Essential Economics of the Commons. Jessica Conrad (2014). E-book published by On the Commons.

Session 3 – Economic Insecurity – Financing Longevity in an Economic Drought

Challenge of Economic Insecurity: Local/State Context (1/2 hour)

Coordinator guiding discussion

  • Review assigned reading: Doing Without: Economic Insecurity and Older Americans. The participants wil divide into small groups to discuss the implications of this state by state overview of the Elder Economic Security Index and income shortfalls. What is the economic context in your state? Does the indexed shortfall for your state make sense? How does it compare to other states? What implications does the comparison have for your clients? What economic challenges have you seen in your work?

Resources to Address Economic Insecurity (1/2 hour)

Coordinator guiding discussion

  • Review key points in Ramsey Alwin’s video: The Economic Security Initiative: A Person-Centered Approach. Participant small groups will be asked to discuss Ramsey Alwin’s presentation and the utility of each of the Planning Guides reviewed prior to the session. “How well do these materials respond to the question that stimulated the development of the ALPA program: ‘What will it take to reduce fear and anxiety that block positive aging at a time when social and economic insecurity is expanding?’”

Status Review of ALPA Participant and Client Outcomes (15 minutes)

Coordinator guiding discussion

  • What have we accomplished and where are we going?” So far, the group has completed the first and second segments of the ALPA program. So far, the group has completed the first and second segments of the ALPA program, as shown in the diagram on the Home page of this website.
    • UNDERSTAND. The first step was to expand understanding about opportunities and challenges for positive aging in the 21stcentury. Participants will be asked to call out a list of opportunities and a list of challenges for positive aging that they have come up with so far in the program.
    • ASSESS. The second step was to identify strengths and needs that they have come up with in relation to advocacy for positive aging.
  • Now, it’s time to move on to the third and fourth segments of the program:
    • PLAN. The third step is to find resources for life planning that build on strengths and improve expectations for the future. We’ve started to identify resources in this session, and will expand our resource inventory in Session 4.
    • TRY IT OUT. And the fourth step is to develop and carry out an action plan and then evaluate what worked and what didn’t work. The goal is to learn to empower and/or guide the self-advocacy of others. This is the challenge for the fieldwork project.

Introduction to the Fieldwork Project (1 hour)


  • Options for the Fieldwork Project Discussion. It’s time for participants to explore their individual advocacy interests, apply what they have learned to their practice, and learn more about a particular issue or activity related to life planning and positive aging. The Fieldwork Project Proposal form in the Session 4 Assignments folder includes an introduction and outline for the proposal. In this hour, there are several options for the discussion process for the Coordinator to mix and match, depending on the needs and interests of the participant group:

Outside presenters

    • A leader from the host organization might speak about current issues/challenges/needs of the organization and its clients
    • A few local leaders/mentors might speak about challenges and needs and issues that might stimulate ideas for new practice or other beneficial change;
    • Two or three advocacy leaders/mentors might speak for five minutes each about obstacles/challenges/needs/issues that might stimulate action to make changes in individual or organizational policies and practices.

Small Group Review

    • Participants will look at the sample list of “ALPA Fieldwork Projects” in the Session 4 Folder and talk about ideas for fieldwork projects in groups
    • The full group will generate a list of categories for issues/needs.
    • Small group discussions will form around each category of issues/needs


    • Participants can sign up for a phone conversation with a Fieldwork Coach.
    • Participants can negotiate and sign for group projects

Preparation for Session 4 (15 minutes)

Coordinator as guide

  • Review assignments and agenda for Session 4
  • Provide time for completion of the Evaluation Feedback Form.

Preparation for Session 4 – Using Life Planning Tools to Advocate Successfully for Positive Aging

1. Activities

  • Fieldwork Project Proposal. Each participant will submit a Fieldwork Project Plan which includes: Focus, Objectives, Process, Resources, and Timeline. Participants may be guided by on-site mentors knowledgeable about the project focus or by coaches familiar with the specifics of the project topic. Participants are offered broad latitude for the scope of their projects. The scope of work may continue beyond the time available for the program, but a progress report for Session 5 must be provided in lieu of a final report.
  • Leadership Profile Exercise. Based on the work of Robert Terry, eight dualities are evident among prominent views of leadership. Participants will complete this form by placing an X on the continuum for each of the eight dualities to reflect their personal views of leadership. Similarities among the profiles will inform discussion in Session 4.
  • Life Planning Quiz. (2013). 10-item quiz by Life Planning Network from LIVE SMART AFTER 50! The Experts’ Guide to Life Planning for Uncertain Times. Boston MA: Life Planning Network
  • Viewing of Video Presentation
    • Mary Radu. (2013). “Facilitating Personal Growth and Change: Core Concepts and Practices for Guiding Life Planning.” Presentation of Life Planning Advocacy Skills and Planning Process, (videos of associated six steps of Role Plays involving Provider and Client Interaction will be shown during Session 4).

2. Assigned Reading

  • Mary Radu. (2013). Life Planning Notes. Guiding Class Session 4 Exercise. This is the text for the Facilitating Personal Growth and Change video above.
  • Mary Radu. (2013). Life Planning Advocacy Skills and Planning Process Worksheet.For use in Session 4 Exercise.

3. Optional Reading


  • Richard Browdie “The Future of Aging Services in America,” in “The Future of Aging” issue of Generations. Fall 2010. American Society on Aging.


  • William Bridges, PhD. 2009. Managing Transitions: Making the most of change. Philadelphia PA: DaCapo Press.
  • Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey. 2009 Immunity to Change: How to overcome it and unlock the potential in yourself and your organization. Cambridge MA: Harvard Business Press.
  • Life Planning Network. 2013. LIVE SMART AFTER 50! The Experts Guide to Life Planning for Uncertain Times. Available through Amazon as e-book or paperback.
  • Caroline A. Miller & Dr. Michael B. Frisch. 2011. Creating Your Best Life. Sterling.

Session 4 – Using Life Planning Tools to Advocate Successfully for Positive Aging

Leadership Perspectives (45 minutes)

Coordinator guided discussion

  • Clarifying Your Leadership Perspective” Exercise. In the class circle, the participants are asked to respond to the following question for each of the 10 dualities in the Bob Terry Leadership Profile. “Where on the chart would you expect to see an ALPA leader and where on the chart did you see yourself?” “Consider types of leadership likely to be rooted in different values from Advocacy Leadership?”
  • Communicating Advocacy Leadership. When asked what is most important to them, older adults say “self-determination.” Self-advocacy is essential to self-determination and self-management. For self-advocacy, everyone needs to learn the skills to speak up and speak out effectively. In this exercise, the participants call out the skills needed for self-advocacy. That includes finding out where and when to speak out, and saying clearly what is wanted and why. In small groups, participants will be asked to name the communication skills that they have needed to be effective advocates for themselves and/or others. “How best can we encourage older adults to learn and apply these skills for themselves?” The participants may want to look at their ALPA Profiles from the Session 1 that described the situations where they have acted as advocacy leaders. Highlighting the advocacy skills in this discussion will be helpful in the Role Plays that follow.

Core Concepts and Practice for Guiding Life Planning (1 1/4 hours)

Coordinator guiding discussion

  • Review key points of Mary Radu’s assigned Video Presentation. Show key slides for the “wheel of life” and five step coaching process.
  • Role playing. Divide the participants into pairs and then show the Step 1A through 5 videos illustrating the coaching process. At the end of each segment, or after a few of the segments, allow time for each pair to take turns as “coach” and “client,” mimicking the coaching process. Allow 10 minutes at the end of the time period for group reflection on shifting understandings of leadership. Just as we all are teachers and learners all our lives, so are we both coaches and clients all our lives. Life planning is thinking in a purposeful way about how you want to live – from life goals to the details of getting through each day. Life planning advocates may be role models, guides/mentors, or just good listeners who provide accountability.

Videos for viewing in class

  • Step 1A Internal Assessment Video
  • Step 1B External Assessment Video
  • Step 2 Discover Possibilities Video
  • Step 3 Clarify Goals Video
  • Step 4 Make Changes Video
  • Step 5 Adjust as Needed Video

Logistics for Fieldwork Projects (15 minutes)


  • Review of logistics for month-long fieldwork projects. Coaching schedule and access to mentors during the month. Requirements for turning in reports.
  • Participants will be asked to share their Fieldwork Project ideas.

Preparations for Sessions 5 and 6 (15 minutes)

  • Schedule for individual presentations during Sessions 5 and 6.
  • Request volunteers to form a committee and plan the last day’s graduation program, at the end of Session 6 (examples of prior graduation programs in Coordinator’s folder).
  • Participants will complete the Evaluation Feedback Form

Interim: Applying Knowledge Through Fieldwork Projects

The time for Fieldwork Projects, between Sessions 4 and 5, should be at least one month long. If a longer period of time is offered, it may be wise to schedule a couple of informal get-togethers with the Fieldwork Coach to talk through problems or other issues that the participants are facing. It is wise to seek progress reports one or more times during the fieldwork period.

Preparation for Session 5 – Fieldwork Reports

1. Activities

  • Fieldwork Reports. Although Participants may not “complete” their projects by the end of the time period offered, they must turn in a brief written status report that will be posted on the website, and will also give an oral presentation. The presentation will include:
    • Project summary (goal, objectives, process, resources, outcomes)
    • What learning took place? “What did I learn about the topic or issue?”
    • What self-discovery occurred? “What did I discover about myself?”
    • Is this project likely to affect my work in the future? If so, how?
  • Schedule. The Fieldwork Coaches will schedule two-thirds of the presentations for Session 5 and one-third for Session 6. The written reports will be posted on the website for the group to review prior to the oral presentations.

Session 5 – Fieldwork Reports

Fieldwork: Oral Reports (2 ½ hours)

Coordinator guiding discussion

  • Ten presentations (approximate), each one up to 10 minutes long, followed by five minutes for comments from the audience and group discussion. Mentors and organizational partners will be invited to attend. Participants are asked to provide one page summaries that can be used as handouts for their peers and the audience members. Ideally, a video would be prepared, showing a brief portion of each of the presentations.
  • Completion of evaluation feedback form.

Session 6 – Fieldwork Reports; Commitment to Positive Aging

Fieldwork: Oral Reports (1 1/2 hours)


  • Five presentations (approximately) as offered in Session 5. (The session hours will be modified based on the number of participants)
  • Overview of Fieldwork Reports by the Fieldwork Coach/Coordinator.
  • Comments from Mentors

Commitment to Professional Development and Positive Aging (45 minutes)


  • Viewing PowerPoint Presentation: Sharon Roe Anderson. (2013). “Best Practices in Professional Development
  • Go-round for each participant to offer feedback and comments about “What’s Next?” in relation to the fieldwork or other program impacts
  • Ideas about creating an ALPA Network… commitment to first get-together
  • Completion of both Session 6 and Comprehensive Evaluation Forms. Note that the Coordinator may choose to have the Comprehensive Evaluation Form filled out on line after Session 6.

ALPA Graduation (planned by the participants)
The ceremony can be held at the end of Session 6 or at a separate time or in a different location from the meetings. Participants can invite others to this final activity.

Ceremony (1 hour)

Participant Committee

  • “Commitment to Positive Aging – and Each Other”
  • Skit and/or song about positive aging
  • Show and tell, “What I’ve learned about Advocacy Leadership and Positive Aging”
  • Refreshments/Lunch
  • Certificates (handed out after completed evaluation form is submitted)

Evaluation Reports  (15 minutes)

Feedback from the final Participant Evaluations will be summarized and reported by the Evaluation Specialist, as has the feedback from prior sessions.  This information will be integrated with feedback from the Coordinator Evaluations, and used both to prepare revisions for the annual curriculum update and to inform the ALPA marketing process.

The evaluation plan will make use of feedback forms turned in at the end of each session.  At the end of the program, participants will fill out a longer form.  They may also be interviewed on the phone.  A Feedback Form posted on the website includes questions such as:

  • How has this work affected your perceptions of yourself as an advocacy leader?
  • Will participation in the program make any difference in the way you work?
  • What follow-up is desired/needed to initiate an ALPA Network?